Thursday, March 4, 2010

VISION 2050 REPORT Best Case

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) today launched the Vision 2050 report ( 2.6 MB), a study that lays out a pathway leading to a global population of some 9 billion people living well, within the resource limits of the planet by 2050. The report, released at the World CEO Forum in New Delhi, India, was compiled by 29 leading global companies representing 14 industries.

Vision 2050, with its best-case scenario for sustainability and pathways for reaching it, is a tool for thought leadership, a platform for beginning the dialogue that must take place to navigate the challenging years to come. “It is hoped that the Vision 2050 work will be used for many years to come. It is designed to be a platform for companies when deliberating strategies and for dialogue with governments and society about how to realize the sustainable future,” concluded Per Sandberg, Project Director for Vision 2050.

soft linning of life

… And, when you caress the soft lining of Life do
not look or feel for splinters or thorns. C.G.R.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The ´´WANTED´´ and the unwanted

If you are a mainland guy fresh down from the Ferry you may be both wanted and unwanted. They need you for building and repair chores but you are ´´crowding the island´´-
If you are a continental US guy just flown in by Continental Airlines, chances are that you were wanted state side and after two weeks testing Flor de Caña #12, 7, 5 and all the way down to 4 or even Plata you become unwanted.
If you were an unwanted ex (CEO – wife –military) with a limited settlement sum and later became
wanted by a muscular local and later unwanted by the same, chances are that you end up being wanted to participate in the newest fund drive or get hooked up chasing the ACE after sundown.
It is fun driving in Roatan except for the swarm of unwanted white cabs. And on a low season – I mean a super low season – taxi drivers insist (´´taxi, Sir?´´) even if you were actually born in the mainland.
About 30 years ago, when I started my practice in Roatan I met a guy on a nice Friday evening at
Anthony´s Key Resort. He was drinking Red Label by the shot (heat and humidity not withstanding)
after a few he confided he had to appear before a Grand Jury on Tuesday. In Ohio!
And also met this artist kept away from the State of California to prevent being called as a witness while trying to corner the oil market. This guy commuted between Utila and Tegucigalpa via Sahsa. He rode in a chauffeur driven Cadillac, and bragged incessantly about the impending arrival of his Silver Shadow Rolls. Which later turned out to be a 8 inch model.
In recent weeks the Fiscales have been entertaining a number of cases involving developers and their clients and suppliers fighting each other for: completion, compliance, payment, slander, possession, etc..
Some of these cases were dropped, some reached Court and hopefully others shall be settled by
mediation. I bet some of the individuals involved are wanted and others are unwanted or the other way around. Very confusing. The fact is the wanted and the un-wanted or W&U´s for short, are taking space in cells, chatrooms, forums and lawyers offices.
But the W&U rating does not belong only to individuals. Corporate entities and I mean large
international operators have set foot on Island and started breaching the law, topping lush resort mountain sites, cutting complete mangrove waterfront and branding our otherwise scenic views with bill boards and signs.
HUGO BOSS (Chavez) also unwanted. Yes, Hugo self appointed Boss for other tropical piers ( panas in the Garifuna Language) is majorly unwanted in Roatan. I hope he never learns about the Bay Islands of Honduras or Zolitur for that matter.
Cesar A.Gonzalez